Thursday, July 12, 2007


Well found out yesterday i could not go to move my friend to north Carolina. i was so frigging bummed. My oldest will be at camp and hubby is going to Houston on business. So I have to be the responsible parent and stay home. I know F it is a bummer when you realize that you are growing up and having to say stinks.

J which is my son will play his first all star game tonight Yahoo. We play our friends team tonight so it will be tricky. I hope he holds his head high either way it is a tough win or lose. I hope i too can be gracious and say nice job or congrats sometimes the ugly green monster can show up.

We are planning a going away party for friends moving to NC see above. We have been having war with a dad who i shall call hummmmm a name for him all star coach so coach had a great idea to let kids age 12 plan party and guess what no moms helping or evening asking girl who leavings mom if he could. Then he also asked if they could keep it on the down low like not tell daughter came to me and told me because she knows this is code for "stranger danger" i mean you don't ask kids to keep big whopping secrets i mean come on. Ahhhhh all star coach needs to mind his own business wyob. off to the fields it may be standing room only crowd...

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