Sunday, July 08, 2007


Sunday....went fro a walk with oldest M we planned to run but it is hotter than haitis so we walked came home with not one but two blisters and ringing wet. Yuck.

Little J(son) and i went to near by city to get fitted for new running shoes but guess what they take sundays off. wtf.....i was a tad peeved so instead of coimming back next week i went to dunhams and bought a pair of running hsoes but guess what they (feet) still hurt and now i have blisters. I just can't cut a break.

I did find shoes for J for school. He is so funny i have a rules on school clothes can't wear them until school starts. I know but dam he will have those choes muddy and dirty and just disgusting in a matter of hours so no new shoes until the first day which really sucks in the the gray state we start school after labor day. We have to be open to being a tourist and spending our money on our state...what a bunch of bull&*. Get them kids in school so we can go back to normal life I mean i can only stomach so much nickaloden per day.

Yes world i am far from a perfact mother. Off to go eat some supper.

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