Monday, July 24, 2006

Monday and a Pap

Went for my annual exam today. Nothing says Good Morning to you like a nice paper gown and another female touching you in a way that makes you want to scream. I hate having my exam. It is funny how we start to prep a week ahead. Hummm this body part needs an extra lotion. She might see my feet she may see them in the stirrups and think wow girls needs a pedi- we start to area wash areas that might need a extra glance like ears and such. Then of course we shave we shave and shave and shave like it is our wedding day. Don't want her to think I am unkept. If this is not bad enough I get to see my doctor on a regular basics she also goes to my child's school where I work. So I can't do the hey duck like we all do at the mall or grocery store. It is like hey Dr. How's it going......As I go geez the girl has seen more of me than my hubby has the last month. Nothing like talking school while she does a breast exam. Oh hey and could you up my zoloft just not feeling 100 percent yeah....And I can't wait to see your kids so I can spend quality time with her again this year. And so on and so on.

I know you are all jealous of my glamorous life. It is just so boring and sad. Off to take more zoloft maybe next week I will feel better.

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