Tuesday, August 14, 2007

another day in paradise

well Aug 14Th one more day till i will be married for 20 years.....not only will i be going to the city fair but i will be going to a concert for Chris Doughtry. My children will be with me as well. can we say yee-ha. This will be like the 3 or 4 year we have been to the fair on the anniversary. I know you ladies are jealous i know you all wish you were married on Aug 15th so you too can have your life sucked out of you every year when a pop group comes to town and your kids scream...wow mom we have to go. this is the one year i have been well hot dog we dang dung got us a big star a-coming to the fair. Come on kids get your best britches on we are gonna return our cans and go to the fair.

Not to be rude but i never in my life have seen some many people who look like they have not showered, smoking, who need dental insurance and look like they are spending their rent money for the month. I mean where on earth do these people come from? scary...and i will be right with them. yee-ha.

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